Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 9 - Rotoscoping the LegoMan

I didn't do this either because it takes too long and as long as I know how to mask stuff, that's good enough for me. And I feel that I already understand the basics of rotoscoping because I had to do it the "traditional" way two semesters ago for a unit called 2D Media and Processes. I painstakingly traced every single frame on a fresh sheet of paper over a light board. Here's the final product as proof. I eventually got tired and "cheated", but I'm still happy with how it turned out, cause it blends into the narrative of it all. Music is by Marilyn Manson, composed for Resident Evil. Copyright infringement... Aaah!!

In my opinion, here's a good example of rotoscoping and creating the posterized look of blocks of colour, assuming that IS how the ad was made. When this first came out on tv, I thought it was cool (and still do) because it was done in a minimalist style, had a great concept and marketed the iPod perfectly! It would've killed whoever had to mask the dancing people though... frame by frame... so many dancers... scary.

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