Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 5 - Mad Mack's

This was a fun exercise, simply because we had a chance to create stuff we normally see on tv, especially those cheesy ads! And having a client brief made it more realistic too. Besides, I've found that constraints help boost creativity. I made it a point to create the cheesiest retail ident ever. Enjoy!

All the images were Creative Commons images. I used The Wiggler tool for some parts of the animation; did quite a bit of masking; played with drop shadow and making the ink splats 3D so they could drop down into frame. All in all learnt a few more things to add to my AE skills.

In my opinion, ads like this are far more effective than some of the horrible cheesy ones we see on tv. I liked how this ad started off with animation and then allowed the animated stroke to lead into its product at the end of it. The style of animation also suited its product. I'd buy that box.

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