Friday, May 15, 2009

Week 8 - Corner pin and tracking exercise

I simply couldn't bring myself to finish this tutorial exercise after playing around with it in class. It's way too tedious for my liking. And it was way too much effort for such a short clip. Don't get me wrong, I do respect those who can do it though! I just can't sit there for ages, cycling through frame by frame to adjust keyframes. It would drive me mad, cause I can't sit still for too long... which is probably why I prefer being on set as opposed to in the editing labs when it comes to filmmaking. I get to think on my feet more.

But sure enough, after watching stuff on motion graphics sites and youtube, I came across this video which made me eat my words about corner pinning and tracking. I don't know a whole lot about this stuff, but after this tutorial even I could tell while watching this that the animator, Tim Smit, has insane AE skills. He does some pretty difficult tracking and corner pinning and truly amazing visual effects that you would think that this was an expensive production. But he's a physics student and self-taught himself AE and filmmaking! I'm so sure no one in my course can do this! He puts us film students to shame. And best of all, he only spent 150 Euros on this short film. I only know this because I went on to watch his interview. He's like the modern day Timur Bekmambetov when he did Nightwatch, even though Mr. Bekmambetov is still fairly "modern". Anyway, I recommend going into youtube and watching it in High Quality instead of here, if you haven't seen it already. It was featured on motionographer yesterday, which is how i came across it.

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