Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 3 - Typography

This was my first time ever animating an entire project in After Effects. It was interesting because I had to familiarise myself with the program while animating this tutorial exercise. And to be honest, I think it's pretty crap, probably one of the worst things I've ever created. If I had to pick which parts of this animation I'm actually happy with, I would say the last 10 seconds. But other than that it's pretty disgraceful.

Using the animation present of "raining characters" was probably a bad idea. But I couldn't help myself, I'm a huge fan of The Matrix (Andy and Larry Wachowski, 1999). In fact, that's the film that inspired me to get a degree in film and television. So I had to use it, just a homage, even though it doesn't really suit the audio all that well. Although in some ways the raining letters depict the shower of words that rain down on the viewer... Like a never-ending drone until he changes pace a little, which is why the last 10 seconds are animated differently.

The most exciting part of animating this was probably when I used the "light" function in AE on the word "faith" at the end. I get excited about little things like that.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. After completing this tutorial exercise on typography, i went on youtube and found three very cool (in my opinion), but very different examples of typography animation, they are my favourites out of all that I've come across.

I thought this was a bit disturbing (probably because of the audio), but very creative nonetheless. I'd never thought of taking this approach to typography before.

This is at the top of my list for typography animation. It's very impressive and the animator's use of common symbols and letters we use in Word to create a world and deliver an important message about pollution is absolutely terrific!

I'm not particularly a fan of Citizen Cope's music, but this animation could've been their music video! It really puts my tutorial exercise to shame. But the good thing is that it showed me what I could do with the Camera in AE which i later on used in my first assessment.

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